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Maple Valley Parents Group

Maple Valley Parents Group- MVP

Maple Valley Parents Group is a non-profit Organization whose main purpose is to promote, encourage, and support the Maple Valley students, teachers & staff.  MVP strives to strengthen and enhance the educational and social environment of the Maple Valley School District by providing opportunities for students, teachers, and parents to learn, socialize, communicate, and grow together.

MVP group welcomes anyone to join; you do not have to have a child in activities or even in the school to be a member.  The Maple Valley School reflects all of our local communities; your support and participation is appreciated!

If you’d like to get involved or to see upcoming events—Check out the Maple Valley Parents Facebook page @Maple Valley Parents - MVP. Or contact any of the Officers below.


President- Alecia Killoran

Vice President- Darcie Besette

Secretary- Anna Schmidt

Treasurer- Lindsey Peterson


MVP Logo

Maple Valley Parents Group 

Maple Valley Parents Group will be doing all the concessions for this 2024 High School Volleyball Season. We enjoy taking this task on because we look at it as a way to make money to support our School District.

We are asking for your help to work one night of concessions. Any adult in your family is welcome to work. Please do not send students to work for your family. If you are unable to make your night we understand. We ask that you try and switch with someone for a different night. Please contact Jessica Theurer (793-1470) for any changes to the work schedule. She will contact the Chairperson.

You will be contacted by your chairperson a few days prior to your scheduled game as to what time you are asked to be at the school to help set-up and work.

Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact your chairperson! Thank you so much for your time! By all of us putting in one nights work we will be able to keep supporting our School District with the money we raise.


Maple Valley Parents Group

Jessica Theurer, Carla Bata, Sara Zaun, Megan McKay, Kayla Satrom, Larissa Hoots, & Marie Hovland

First page of the PDF file: 2024VolleyballConcessionWorkers_1


First page of the PDF file: 20242025GirlsBasketballConcessionWorkers


First page of the PDF file: 20242025BoysBasketballConcessionWorkers